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Market Alerts – October 20

Below are listed all of my ‘Daily Market Alerts for October 20
In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I look at the market’s downside reaction to the increase in COVID cases, along with the ever closer U.S. election and what is likely to happen whoever wins!
In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I look at Friday’s price action and also what to expect today given the market is sharply lower on the overnight futures market.
In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I look at yesterday’s market action and what we can expect during today’s session.
In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I look at what was behind yesterday’s fall, and what to expect during today’s session.
In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I play catch up after missing all of yesterday’s price action!
Prices are currently treading water in the run up to the U.S. election on the 3rd Nov 20.
In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I look at Friday’s trades and also what to expect during today’s trading session.
Over night prices are struggling with Friday’s high and need to break this in order to continue to move higher.
In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I review yesterday’s 300 pt sell off in the Dax and look at what is likely to occur during today’s session.
In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I look yesterday’s market action and highlight the pertinent points in the chart.
Just as an aside, I also look at why Trump no longer endorses the lock down approach and why!
Here are the links I refer to in the video –
Coronavirus: What Donald Trump thinks of lockdowns – SkyNews
Coronavirus: WHO backflips on virus stance by condemning lockdowns :-
White House Embraces Covid-19 ‘Herd Immunity’ Declaration – NewYorkTimes
In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I yesterday’s price action and also what the market may have in store for today’s session.

In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I look at yesterday’s market action and what to expect during today’s!
It appears Sky News Aus has the same opinion of me when it comes to the sinister side of the ‘Great Reset’.  View Here

In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I look at Friday’s market action and why I believe we going to see the all time highs reached in the Dow before the U.S. election.
I also look introduce you to World Economic Forum’s website so you can get a taster of what’s coming down the line!

In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I look at yesterday’s market action and conclude with a quick look at Dr Heiko Schoning, a medical doctor who is on to what The World Economic Forum is up to.

In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I look at yesterday’s trades and what to expect today.

I also take a look at why Boris is talking about the reset, and what it really means!

In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I look at the market’s reaction to Trump dropping the COVID stimulus bill 2.0.
The Dow dropped 700pts in response, but is recovering on the overnight market!

In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I look at yesterday’s trades and the market’s reaction to Trump returning to the White House following three days in hospital.
It’s all very bizarre, it’s like we’re now officially living in the twilight zone!

In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I look at Friday’s trades and why the market moved back to the upside on the Non-Farm numbers and why we can expect the markets to move higher following Trump’s Sunday afternoon drive-by!

In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I review yesterday’s trades and look at the impact on prices as both Trump and Melania testing positive for coronavirus.

In today’s ‘Market Alert’ I review yesterday’s five trades, and look at what to expect during today’s session.